Friday, August 14, 2009

cool quote

“service is the rent that I pay for the space that I occupy on earth.”

I came across this today and it just really jumped out at me and I wanted to pass it along.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


We have been so very blessed.
We started out with 8 offspring and they have multiplied and given us some wonderful additions to the family.
We have 5 of the sweetest and talented daughters-in-law that you could ask for. They take good care of their guys and keep them in line. They each have special talents that they willingly share with the family and are doing a great job of raising some amazingly smart and cute kids and sweet pets also.
There are 2 great sons-in-law. Both are so good to help out when ever called on. They are both quiet compared to the rowdy guys but hold their own and even get in a few licks(verbally, no physical abuse here) of their own when cornered. They are both wonderful men and take good care of our daughters and grandchildren.
When there are get togethers, it is always a blast to have so many different personalities and temperments in the same space.
As each new member has been added to the family, we have been blessed.
We are definitley thankful for special in-laws.
Thanks kids for making such good choices in spouces.

love/hate computers

Have you ever noticed that when they are working right, we love them and when they don't , it is a source of real frustration.?
I really love/hate computers. I love email, blogs and being able to look up things when I have a question or want to buy something ( I love me some amazon and ebay)
I get really mad when I have typed out a long reply to someone in an email or a post to a blog and have the darn thing wisk it off and lose the whole thing. Grrr.
Of course it has nothing to do with me messing up and hitting the wrong key at times. It always has to be the computer right?
But let the darn thing go down and what happens? Oh no, withdrawal!!!!!
then I feel bad for having bad feelings and talking ugly and just want it back. I might miss something really important.
Sigh, right now it is working, I am happy and feeling content for however long it lasts.
thanks for being there for me computer.